Dear Patient,
March 1, 2001
I am writing to let you know of an important decision I have made recently.
It has come after a lot of thought, prayer, and soul searching. For some it
will come as a surprise, but for many it will seem a natural progression of
my practice of medicine in my faith.
The decision I have made is that I can no longer in good conscience,
morally/ethically, continue to prescribe or refer patients for contraceptive
services. This includes tubal ligation, vasectomy, Norplant, Depo-Provera
(the shot), IUDs, or contraceptive pills (birth control pills). I will be
happy to sit down with you and discuss my studied reasoning for why I
believe these agents can contribute to marital problems, as well as
psychological and physical illness. Especially abhorrent to me is my newly
acquired knowledge that the IUD, Norplant, and the birth control pill all
have abordifaciant (abortion) properties. As a substitute I am offering
Natural Family Planning as a means of achieving pregnancy (68% effective in
infertile couples) and postponing pregnancy (98% effective). Natural Family
planning (not the old Rhythm method) is as effective as the birth control
pill in postponing pregnancy, without the harmful effects of the
contraceptive pill.
I will continue to do pap smears, obstetrical care, female exams, and female
health care, and all facets of gynecological and obstetrical services that I
presently provide. Any patients with birth control pill prescriptions or
other contraceptive prescriptions that will be running out need to come for
a visit early so that we can discuss and arrange other options. I know this
change in my practice will be a disappointment for some of you. As your
doctor I am here to help you achieve the most healthy lifestyle that you can
It is an honor that you have chosen to trust in me as your physician and I
hope that I can continue with that trust. Please call or come in for an
appointment if I can be of any service or answer any questions.
With my deepest respect,
David M. Ramsey, III MD