
Ingenious Abortion Tools to help 'Cure'

Some Ingenius Medical Instruments to help "Cure"

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" (Jeremiah 1:5)

General Concepts:

Man and woman unite to produce a unique human at fertilization which generally occurs between 30 minutes to 12 hours from the time sexual activity, as soon as the man’s sperm joins with the woman’s egg. [cs69] That human offspring can be defined as: the product of human reproduction, a human conceptus, an early human embryo, a human fetus (Latin for “baby”); yes-a new human being. Stem Cell scientists want the human embryo at the time of its implantation in the womb, about 14 days. They say the human embryonic stem cells are not programmed yet. Really? At day 21 there is a heartbeat. The time of many abortions is at 8-12 weeks. There are distinct fingerprints, his body is sensitive to touch, and he is sucking his thumb at 10 weeks. (10wkFetalHeart) He is smiling at 12 weeks. [ag71] This human embryo’s development is programmed at fertilization from day one. This is not a lump of “tissue”.

Abortion is a difficult reality for any of us to comprehend. It will honestly be dealt with on this webpage with a hope to clarify many of its facets within the light of truth. Those facets involve its theological, societal, political/legal, physical, and emotional aspects. What we do in our own world of self does not only affect ourselves but also has a ripple effect most strongly on those close to us and far beyond. [am17] “Man is a social animal” said Aristotle. Deliberate elimination of that absolutely unique human offspring by abortion encompasses all of the following definitions; prolicide-killing of one’s offspring, feticide-killing of a fetus, and filicide-killing of one’s daughter or son. Some of the truth on this page may be surprising to you, startling or graphic, but it is the truth about abortion.

I will discuss the tough debate issues first and then give the hard facts about abortion. It was said that abortion needed to be legalized to prevent the thousands of deaths from illegal abortion yearly (so called coat hanger abortions), that it is needed to protect the life of the mother, that women raped (by incest also) certainly want it available to abort their unwanted baby, and abortion is safer than carrying a baby to term. These were the reasons used to help get abortion legalized in this country but all of these claims are false and come nowhere close to accounting for the more than 1 million abortions a year in this country. The fact is that nearly all abortions are done for convenience on totally healthy women. Abortion is legally allowed until the time of birth in the USA yet 56% of the population is now pro-life with 83% wanting significant restrictions placed, and 60% support “restriction(s) on aborting viable, pain-capable unborn children.” [ag63] [ag64] [ag65] [ag74] [ag92] 80% of women who aborted say they would have completed their pregnancies under better circumstances and 70% of all women feel abortion is immoral. [ag2]

“Coat hanger abortions” were in actuality not done with coat hangers but instead were done with medical instruments in the offices or homes of abortionists who were the same ones who would legally do them later. Many of these abortionists, and facilities still remain sleazy and filthy. They now legally do the equivalent of these “coat hanger abortions” in their offices as accounts of those from the abortion industry attest. [ag11] [ag15] [ag61] [ag69] [ag89] [ag91] [ag69] [ag103] Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop has said that the need to have abortion available to “protect the life of the mother” is a “smokescreen” and “excuse”. “In my 36 years of pediatric surgery, I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the life of the mother”. [ag10] [ag80] Data from rapes in Pennsylvania before the morning after pill came along shows just how rare a post rape pregnancy is with no pregnancies in the 5000 rape cases studied. [ag80] When pregnancy does occur with rape it really should matter most what the women who are raped feel about aborting their child rather than the opinions of others, which are the opinions we usually hear. There happens to be a major study that looked at just that, what the raped women feel. All who carried their babies to term and delivered were happy they did so. Of those who had abortions almost all felt like they had been assaulted again by the abortion and were sorry they had aborted their children. [ag53] [ag67]

It is also a myth that abortion is “14 times” safer than pregnancy, often said by abortion advocates but not supported by the data. Erroneous numbers are concocted for financial, political, and self-serving reasons. Abortion numbers are often included in the total maternal death numbers. The abortion industry hides its deaths under different names (i.e. “hemorrhage”, “shock”, “infection”-not abortion). Ectopic pregnancy-as an example- is increased 40% after abortion which represents 12% of maternal deaths. The normal pregnancy gets credit for the death rather than the abortion before that really caused it. Important late post abortion deaths and beneficial survival effects of parenting (i.e. better mental health, reduced suicide numbers, healthier lifestyles) are not usually considered in the numbers. A higher death rate from abortion compared to pregnancy is supported by good data which shows a nearly 4 times higher death rate with abortion. [ai2] [ai5] [ai7] [ai10] [ai12] [ai15] [ai16] [ai20] [ai21] [ai23] [ai24] [ai28]

Spiritual/Ethical Aspects:

The Muslim, Jewish, and Christian faiths all hold to the book of Genesis in the Bible which states “God created man in his image” (Gen 1:27) and God “blew into his nostrils the breath of life” (Gen 2:7). Man has never made one thing come to life. Sadly, abortion has been with us historically from early man but most commonly in pagan cultures. The Bible contains numerous references of reverence for the gift of life such as; “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5) and “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb…I am fearfully and wonderfully made…your eyes saw my unformed body” (Psalm 139:13-16). (link) The first century compilation of Christian beliefs the Didache is quite clear concerning abortion, “you shall not procure an abortion, nor practice infanticide”.

Each human offspring is a genetically unique individual endowed with that mysterious gift of life which only comes from our Creator. There will never be another exactly like it, ever. Mother Teresa made this point often with two examples being her replies to the aggressive reporter who asked her, “Why has your God not come up with a cure for AIDS?” and to the President’s wife at the 1994 prayer breakfast who was musing when she asked, “I wonder why we have not had a female president?” Mother Teresa’s similar reply to both, “Perhaps she was aborted.” She also said in front of the UN, (paraphrasing) “If killing of our children byabortion is accepted in the world, then I can kill you and you can kill me.” Disrespecting human beings through the act of abortion undermines our ethics of humanity. It helps open the door for the acceptance of all kinds of cruelty in the world. 56 million genetically unique individuals have been aborted (killed) in this country since 1973 and over 1 billion in the world! [ag90] [ag59]

“My Body, My Choice” is the mantra of the pro-choice (pro-abortion) movement. The preborn are unique, identifiable, and separate but attached individuals with the mother. All young children require nourishment and support from others to survive and trust in their nature that their mothers will protect them, as the preborn do innately. Just because mothers are by nature responsible for total nourishment and care of the unborn it does not therefore follow that they have moral license to kill that distinct human being. It is an ethical truth that the autonomy of the fetus at the very least becomes equal to that of the mother from the moment it is capable of survival outside the womb. Abortion is certainly the killing of an immature human being in utero prior to it being able to survive outside the womb, but after that it becomes murder. It is irrational that a fetus (baby) can legally be killed by medications injected directly into its heart while in the womb, but if delivered another 6 inches and then inject him it becomes murder? Can we really measure our ethics in 6 inch increments? At this point in its life (any point) it is either morally right or wrong to kill that child no matter where it is.

Social Aspects:

The slippery slope of deteriorating human ethics occurs not just with euthanasia but with almost all evil including abortion. If you have thought of abortion as just removing that “little bit of tissue” I hope to make it crystal clear that it is a human being that is killed, not ‘tissue’ or an "organism". Abortion is considered by some to be pro-woman despite 64% of the women feeling they were pressured by someone into it. [ag92] [am4] Millions of girls are selectively aborted in countries such as China and India which is not exactly a "pro-woman" act. [ag48] [ag52] Selective embryo reduction is a term most think only applies when eliminating two or three human embryos from a multi embryo in-vitro fertilization. (Dict) However, in 1997 15% of selective embryo reductions were to a singleton pregnancy (one baby) and in 2010 61% were reductions (abortions) to singleton status with 38% from a twin pregnancy! [ag38] Yes, eliminating (killing) that boy or girl of twin siblings simply for the convenience of mom and dad.

Dr. Jerome Lejeune the discoverer of genetic diagnosis particularly Down’s syndrome and Dr. William Liley the discoverer of treatment of RH disease in-utero (before birth) which led to amniocentesis [rs39] worked to find treatments for their patients, babies in the womb. Both would be appalled that their techniques for identifying and treating babies’ illnesses in the womb are now used to kill 90% of babies with Down’s syndrome and babies with other medical conditions. [ag36] [ag37] Ironically, there is now promising new treatments in-utero for Down’s syndrome and other conditions. [ag16] The real truth is that current prenatal diagnosis is not really intended for the patient, the baby. The truth comes out in a quote in a 2006 AMA op-ed piece, “It is not a medical procedure-…intended to restore an individual…Rather, it is typically a procedure to identify unwanted organisms”. [ag36] Amniocentesis to look for these “unwanted organisms” is done at about 16 weeks of pregnancy and these large and very identifiable human babies do not at all resemble anything as indistinct as an “organism”. (link)

It gets worse. The eugenics and racial side of abortion are revealed by Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger who said privately, “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”. [ag2] There continues to be deliberate mass media silence on the genocidal Planned Parenthood/Margaret Sanger “Negro Project”. In 2005 African Americans comprised 12.3% of the population yet accounted for 36% of abortions, 60% of abortion facilities are in black communities, and it kills more blacks (25%) than their next seven leading causes of death combined. [ag23] [ag25] [ag26] The analogy between slavery and abortion laws is very direct. (link) [ag27]

It gets even worse. The historical modern day roots of abortion and infanticide can be seen with Thomas Malthus in the late 19th century who wrote, “All children born, beyond that required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish…we should facilitate…the operations of nature in producing this mortality”. [ag2] Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood, said, “The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its members is to kill it”. [ag2] We have become progressively and ethically desensitized by the huge number of abortions and have moved from just legally allowing abortion early in pregnancy, to aborting term babies-those able to survive outside the womb, to allowing babies to die once delivered or killing them outright after delivery, to arguing for the killing of babies even months old! [ag28] [ag29] [ag30] [ag31] [ag32] [ag33] [ag34] [ag35] [ag69] Peter Singer “advocates making it legal to kill disabled infants up to 28 days after birth as well as older “non-persons with disabilities” [ag33] [ag34] [ag35] as do Drs. Giubilini and Minerva in their article “After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?[ag30] You say, this could not happen in this country! I say wake up and look around at how far down the slippery slope we already are; legal Physician assisted Suicide, late-term abortion, terminal sedation, and withholding food and fluids from patients, i.e. Terry Schiavo. She was starved to death. Legal infanticide could very well be just around the corner for us as it already is in Belgium. [ag98]

And the worst; fetal (baby) body parts are now a huge multimillion dollar business. Arms, legs, torsos, and heads are wanted and bought by many companies. [ag41] [ag42] [ag43] [ag44] It is reported that one drug company was seeking 30,000 fetuses for research (see "Encouraging Further Abortion and Research"-"The hunt for fresh fetuses" [ev1]). WARNING GRAPHIC READING: Aborted babies are used for beauty treatments, [ag39] [ag40] [ag47] food flavorings, [ag88] and as food delicacies! [ag45] [ag46] Sorry for the graphic truth but anyone who still maintains that abortion involves indistinct "tissue" needs to view my Pictures For Life webpage and get a grip on reality because these things are being done to human beings, who are unique individuals from day one of fertilization-conception. If you have courage and want to get the full grasp of how far down the slippery slope abortion has taken us go to the Life Dynamics web-site. WARNING VERY GRAPHIC PICTURES! (www)

Political/Legal Aspects:

“In 1859 the American Medical Association (AMA) called abortion the slaughter of countless children…the wanton and murderous destruction of her child…destruction of human life…these men (the doctors) should be marked as Cain; they should be outcasts of society”. [ag8-Part4] Dr. Horatio Robinson Storer a pro-child crusader in the mid-19th century worked hard to fight against abortion and its destruction of unborn children often done for contraceptive reasons. He published articles and an essay “Why Not? A Book for Every Woman” which was used by many physicians to help convince women not to abort. [ag96] Nearly all states and Canada had passed strict anti-abortion laws by 1880. President Teddy Roosevelt added his voice in 1902 calling for an end to “race suicide”. Our laws against abortion remained relatively unchanged until Roe v. Wade.

In its "Code of Ethics" the AMA now states, “Ethics…do not prohibit a physician from performing an abortion”. [ag72] Early in the history of the IUD it was noted that it did not act to prevent pregnancy/fertilization but instead inhibited implantation; it prevented the embryo from attaching to the uterine wall, causing it to be eliminated (aborted) and killed. Women were concerned about how it worked and felt like it caused an abortion, which it does. So, the American College of OBGYN (ACOG) changed the definition of pregnancy. All embryology textbooks have historically defined a pregnancy as occurring at the time of fertilization. After contraception was legalized ACOG changed the definition of the onset of pregnancy to the time of implantation. [ag8-Part4] This was the first of many lies to get contraception socially accepted and abortion legalized. Changing definitions does not change the facts that at fertilization a unique new human being comes into existence.

Laws in this country supporting abortion and those eliminating statues opposed to abortion have all been built upon lies. The news media helps support abortion through its intentional silence of abortion’s many disturbing facts, the lies of silence. The Gospel of John speaks of the one behind all great lies, the devil, “He was a murderer from the beginning…there is no truth in him…because he is a liar and the father of lies”. (John 8:44) To help get states’ laws eliminated and Roe v. Wade passed into law Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Naral co-founder, admits to lying when he emphasized that there were “5000-10,000“ illegal abortion deaths a year. The real number was 39 in the year before Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973. There were 215 deaths from legal abortions from 1973-1987 by the same previously illegal providers. [ag11]

So, abortion became the law of our country through the will of the people? Not at all, as President Ronald Reagan said in “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation”, “Our nationwide policy of abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy was neither voted on by our people nor enacted by our legislators”. It was forced on us by pro-choice, radically pro-abortion, proponents and the court system by fiat. The initial federal law, Roe v. Wade, itself was built upon a lie that "Jane Roe" was gang raped, which she was not and she carried that baby to term. Norma McCorvey, the real Jane Roe, was used by pro-abortion advocates to get Roe v. Wade into law but she is now very pro-life and actively trying to help nullify Roe v. Wade. Judge Blackmun used the reasoning in Roe v. Wade that, “Greek and Roman law afforded little protection to the unborn…abortion was permitted, infanticide”. [ag2] He rightfully but unintentionally was making a direct analogy of the Roman culture to our present day culture. Perhaps he would have also wanted to legalize the return of then legal Roman torture, the coliseum, and crucifixion?

The following is a brief summary of some of the important Supreme Court decisions that lead up to and helped legalize abortion in their renunciation of state’s rights, parental rights, spousal rights, and rights of the unborn. These cases can be viewed in more detail at [ag2] [ag7] [al11] [al12] [ag8-Part4] [ag77] (link):

Griswold v. Connecticut (1968):
Supreme Court legalizes contraception and defines the “right to privacy”.

Roe v. Wade (1973):
Declared that the 14th Amendment guarantees a woman's "right to privacy"; held that the fetus is not a person, they could be done for the "health" of the mother, and the decision to abort should be left up to a woman and her doctor. The law set viability to the baby outside the womb as a limit.

Doe v. Bolton (1973):
Restricted the scope of permissible state regulation and overturned a law requiring abortions to be performed only in hospitals. Abortion could be performed "in light of all factors-physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age-relevant to the well-being of the patient [mother]. All these factors may relate to health."

Planned Parenthood (PP) v. Danforth (1976):
Declared it unconstitutional to require doctors to exercise care to preserve fetal life; overturned a ban on saline abortions and a law which required a husband's consent to abortion.

PP v. Casey (1992):
The Court accepted a 24-hour waiting period, informed consent guidelines and parental consent in some cases. The above restrictions would not apply if they "unduly burdened" her right to abortion. This essentially outlawed any restrictions on a woman’s “right” to abortion.

Stenberg v. Carhart (2000):
Declared Nebraska’s partial birth abortion law unconstitutionally placed an undue burden on a woman’s so-called right to a late term abortion.

There have been some legal wins for protecting the unborn and restraining abortion:

Maher v. Roe (1977):
Declared that Medicaid should not pay for non-therapeutic abortions because the state had a legitimate interest in protecting life.

Harris v. McRae (1980):
Stated states are not obligated to fund “medically necessary” abortions for which federal funds are blocked by the Hyde amendment-which was also upheld as being constitutional.

Webster v. PP (1989):
Upheld Missouri’s ban on using state facilities or employees to perform elective nontherapeutic abortions, as well as a requirement for medical tests to determine the viability of the fetus.

Partial Birth Abortion Ban (2003):
Banned the partial birth abortion procedure. Was later found unconstitutional by 3 appellate courts.

Partial Birth Abortion Ban (2007):
Upheld the 2003 Partial Birth Abortion ban law and that it did not impose an undue burden on the due process right of women to obtain an abortion. It emphasized, for the first time, that there were limits on abortion "rights".

Pro-abortion laws not only have taken away everyone one else’s rights (parents, spouse, fetus, states) except those for the woman and her doctor, but they have been built upon lies, and they also contain bad law and are vulnerable to change. Between 2010 to 2013 there were an incredible number of encouraging restrictive abortion laws passed. [ag99] The pro-choice, pro-abortion, groups are fighting hard politically/legally against any restrictions on abortion. They are trying to; dispel the truths about fetal pain and fight attempts to ban abortion beyond 20 weeks, undermine ultrasound laws that afford women that benefit for their decision making (fight "choice"?), fight laws that ban abortion when the fetus/baby is viable-able to survive if delivered (the pro-life attempt to ban abortion beyond 24 weeks), fight laws trying to give fetal rights/personhood to the fetus (which would protect the developing baby by the constitution), fight laws requiring abortion "doctors" to have local hospital admitting privileges requiring them to cover their own medical problems/mistakes, fight waiting period requirements for women which enable them time to think about what they are about to do, and fight laws requiring legal inspections of abortion facilities in a similar manner required by other medical facilities. Their greatest efforts right now are in trying to block parental notification laws which have been shown to not only cut abortion numbers but also to reduce sexually transmitted disease numbers in one study, [ag49] [ag50] [ag66] [ag100] ultrasound laws that require woman to be offered an ultrasound before abortions which have a similar effect of reducing abortion numbers, [ag69] [ag101] and laws trying to protect fetuses from pain. Of course the abortion industry’s agenda does not really include their misnomer "pro-choice". It is very much about being pro-abortion. Choice is not what the wealthy abortion industry wants these women to have, abortion is the only choice they want them to make.

The Supreme Court laws themselves contain clauses that open the door to challenge for the protection of the unborn. Roe v. Wade (Syllabus, 3. (www)) declares that the state “has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life”. It also declares by law the non-personhood of the fetus and that abortions can be permitted up to the point of the babies’ viability. Should the evidence show, as it does, harm by abortion, should an unborn baby gain legal personhood status, and/or fetal pain laws come about, Roe v. Wade should be challenged. Doe v. Bolton could be challenged the same way on a woman’s health. PP v. Danforth is at risk for making it unconstitutional to exercise care for a fetal life and for upholding saline abortions which cause fetal pain and suffering. Even the earliest of abortions seem unnecessary and are unfortunate but the pro-abortion agenda has pushed abortion beyond even seemingly reasonable limits and are now surprised and seem clueless about why there is backlash. They do not seem to understand why many of us find it irrational that states such as California rightfully have laws protecting the unborn with charges of manslaughter or murder for those who accidently or deliberately kill a pregnant woman’s fetus (baby), yet allow her to legally abort (kill) her own baby, even a baby all the way up to term that could survive outside the womb! There always will be opposition as long as those opposed to abortion are forced to legally support such things (abortion) and the opposition will get worse if we are required to help fund them as present law seems headed.


Contraceptive failure is the number one reason women give for wanting an abortion. [ag73] [cg3] [cg6] [cg11] [cg31] In the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision it states that there needs to be, “reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail.” [ag77] Planned Parenthoods perpetual response is that we just need more contraception as well as more sex education. However, 58% of abortions were for contraceptive failure in the mid 1990’s and 54% in 2010. [ag73] [cg31] 80% of those women aborting admit being contraceptively experienced. [ag1] There has been no change in percentage for the number one reason for abortion despite all our tax money spent, our grade school children subjected to early age sexual teaching, and Planned Parenthood’s continuing rhetoric. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s number one abortion provider doing an ever increasing percentage of the abortion business [ag83] and receiving ever increasing federal funding to the tune of 542 million tax dollars in 2011 without a change in contraceptive failure rates. [ag1] [ag62] There are four good reasons for this; 1. Sex is designed for making babies and they do come, 2. The pill and barrier methods have significant failure rates which can/will happen at some point, [cg6] 3. People do not always, 100% of the time, use contraception correctly, and 4. There is a false sense of security with birth control which makes people less careful over time. [cg31] The killing of our children through abortion has become the backup contraception method Planned Parenthood v. Casey helped legalize.

The numbers killed by abortion are staggering; there have been one billion abortions in the world to date, there are 8-13 million in China yearly, 56 million so far in the USA since Roe v. Wade (1.1 Million yearly), with nearly 37.6% of all pregnancies in New York City now ending in abortion. [ag51] [ag58] [ag59] There is some good news, although it has wrinkles. Abortion numbers in the USA are down, falling 13% from 2008-2011 and have dropped 32% from the all-time high of 1.6 million in 1990. [ag81] [ag90] Very good news is that the number of abortion clinics in this country are down as well as the number of abortion providers. [ag83] The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute says the reason is because the number of pregnancies is down. However, 87 surgical abortion centers closed in 2013 with 73% of all abortion clinics closing since 1991. [ag83] This is no surprise, abortion is a dirty business. Italian doctors won a hard fought for conscience clause in law to be able to refuse participating in abortion which was being forced on them by their similarly aggressive abortion industry. From 2003-2007 Italian gynecologists went from 58% to 69% refusing to participate in abortions; 83% in Campania, and 84% in Sicily. Abortion numbers are going down in Italy, go figure. So what is it about abortion that makes the so called pro-choice side (actually radically pro-abortion) push to try and legally force others to be involved in their dirty work? Actually, it is really not hard figure out why.

The wrinkles in the "dropping abortion numbers" news, We still kill 2900 babies by abortion each day and the number of Americans lost to abortion EACH year still equals the number of Americans killed in ALL the wars we have EVER been involved in. [ag60] Over 1.5 million morning after pill prescriptions were given out in 2013 by Planned Parenthood. The morning after pill (Plan B) is a chemical abortifacient (see next paragraph) and 11% of sexually active women have used it with the number of abortions it truly causes unable to be exactly determined. [ce14] Abortion pills now account for 25% to 35% of all abortions. [ce14]

Abortion Methods/Fetal Pain:

Abortion is a violent act even if just considered at the microscopic level, i.e. the morning after pill. Starting from the genetically unique human conceptus (early human embryo) all the way through later babies, the abortion techniques that eliminate human fetuses from the womb have harsh actions. The scope of actions runs from inhibiting them from implanting on the uterine wall early to physically removing babies from the uterus later. The methods employed are as creative as humans can be and include the use of chemicals/hormones of various types, the use of irritant objects, and human fetus removal by tools and instruments. (AbortionTools) Abortifacients need mentioned as they are agents that cause abortion which include methods erroneously thought by some to have only contraception properties, i.e. birth control pills work this way at times, the morning after pill, Norplant, Depo-Provera, and IUDs. Estimates range from three to ten million aborted embryos yearly in this country happen with the use of abortifacients. [ag82] (link)

There is no doubt the fetus experiences pain at some point in its development. It is difficult to know how early as there are ethical problems with fetal experimentation but it is known they feel pain by 21 weeks and very likely by 8-10 weeks. [ag75] Clinical pro-abortion researchers claimed to prove they do not feel pain until 30 weeks in a “multidisciplinary review” in JAMA in August 2005. [ag22] All the letters of critique in JAMA Jan 11, 2006 were critical of their findings. One stated that despite the authors claiming to search PubMed for current articles they seemed to deliberately leave out available articles and one full textbook with conclusions different than theirs. One letter notes that a 24 week infant in the NICU cries in response to pain and noxious stimuli. [ag85] Omitted from the JAMA research article was the connections of the lead authors to abortion with Susan Lee, medical student, a former NARAL lawyer and Dr. Drey’s running of the largest abortion clinic in San Francisco. [ag20] [ag22] A number of studies have proven that fetuses definitely feel pain [ag19] [ag21] [ag70] [ag86] [ag87] with one showing that pain is likely felt by 8 weeks. [ag75] Nebraska has put restrictions on abortions past 20 weeks because of this. [ag18] After 14 weeks development babies are torn limb from limb in abortion to enable their parts to be pulled through the cervix. One neurologist has said of these later term abortions, “pain can be perceived…possibly more exquisitely than by an adult…the details are so gross and ghastly that it seems impossible to believe that medical colleagues of another specialty would carry it out.” [al10] It is truly impossible to believe our society legally allows it.

Chemical Abortion methods have been used from ancient times and include such plants/drugs as pennyroyal, ergot, wild carrot, slippery elm, saffron, silphium (extinct or perhaps was a combination drug), eucalyptus, etc. None of these are necessarily safe or effective. [ag82] Within 30 minutes of human sexual activity there is a fertilized egg, an early embryo, a conceptus, a new unique human life. The morning after pill requires use within 72 hours of sexual activity. The claim that the morning after pill does not interfere with a pregnancy, the early embryo, is unfounded and does not jive temporally with known embryology timing. (link) It acts as an abortifacient. (Dict) Methotrexate (a cancer treatment medication) is taken to kill the baby, can be used up to 6 weeks from last period, takes 2-6 weeks to work, and can cause fetal abnormalities if the abortion is not successful. RU-486/Misoprostol (to be started up to 63 days from last period) is used against the manufacturer’s advice for abortion, it kills the baby then causes uterine contractions, can take up to 3-4 weeks to be successful, and has been banned in the country we get it from, China. [ai1] There are now ways to reverse its effects if given early after taking it. (Reversal) All three of these methods have a failure rate which then necessitates surgical abortion should the patient want to continue with abortion. Hypertonic saline, salt, or 4% urea has been used in late term abortions to kill the baby from 16-24 weeks. They burn the baby, cause strong contractions, have a fairly high incidence of serious side effects, and at times cause death of the mother. [al9] The latest chemical methods from the modern abortion "doctor’s" curative bag include digoxin and potassium chloride injected directly into the baby’s heart while it is in the womb to kill it before delivery. These can also have serious side effects on the mother if they escape into her system. Delivering the baby partly alive could subject the abortionist to criminal charges, so they want to be sure it is truly dead. They still need to deliver the limp, dead baby, not always an easy task. [ag78] [ag94] [ag95]

Abortifacient objects used in ancient times included stones, pieces of metal, ceramic pieces, etc. which were placed up into the womb. Today we have gotten much more civilized and use pieces of plastic often coated with medication called IUDs (intrauterine devices). These are placed into the womb and left. Should an egg become fertilized, a conceptus/a new life makes its way to the uterus and these devices cause an irritation inside the womb which interferes with the new embryo implanting on the womb wall so it is expelled from the womb, killing the embryo. The morning after pill works as an abortifacient as does the birth control pill about every 12th cycle or whenever breakthrough ovulation occurs. At those times the fertilized egg passes to the womb, then birth control pill works to make the womb inhospitable for the new embryo and it is expelled, killing it. [ag82] [ag95]

Surgical abortion include all methods to physically extract a baby. Early in pregnancy, up to 7 weeks, a catheter can be pushed up into the womb through the cervix and a large syringe used to suction the human embryo out. From 6-14 weeks of age the cervix needs to be stretched by dilators to enable a suction tube to suck out the larger human embryo. After 14 weeks the baby is too large to suction out. A several day process, D&E (dilatation and evacuation) or D&X (dilatation and extraction used after 20 weeks), ensues to dilate the cervix so that tools can be inserted into the womb to be able to tear apart the embryo, crush the fetal head, and pull out the parts. These baby parts are then laid out on the operating table to assure all the arms, legs, torso, and head are out. Abortionists refer to this as "abortion tissue" or "products of conception" (WARNING GRAPHIC PICTURE!: link). In reality they are all the parts of a destroyed baby. Seeing the tools they use also gives you the grisly idea. (Instruments) [ag94] [ag95]


Abortion advocates and abortionists argue that abortion has no mental health consequences, it has absolutely no link to breast cancer, its illness and mortality rates are less than that of childbirth, and that the women who get abortions really want them. [ai29] All these issues will be examined and challenged. The very real suicide and mental health consequences of abortion will be dealt with later, below. The argument that women who get an abortion really want them and would not choose other alternatives not only lacks common sense and does not match the facts but it is disingenuous. [ag2] How many women who are healthy want a medical procedure, let alone one that kills their child? As noted above the majority of women are pressured by parents, boyfriend, friends, or husband into an abortion. It is not by their free will that they go and have a surgical procedure or take powerful medications to kill their babies. [ag92]

The importance of abortion as a cause of breast cancer is that breast cancer is by far the number one killer of all women with cancer, and second in overall deaths with the exception of Hispanic women, it is their number one overall killer. Abortion’s direct link to breast cancer is explained and proven best in Dr. Chris Kahlenborn’s book, “Breast Cancer-Its Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill”. [ci1] [ai19] Dr. Kahlenborn explains the reasons for the difference between spontaneous miscarriage (no increased risk) and an induced abortion (significant increased risk). Studies in 1994 and 1996 showed no increased breast cancer risk with a spontaneous miscarriage but 50% and 20% respective increased risk with induced abortion. [ai3] [ai4] This connection has been absolutely proven in rats. [ci1] [ai19] As of 2002 there were 37 studies on the breast cancer-abortion link and 28 of them, 75%, showed it as a risk factor. A European study in 2007 entitled “The Breast Cancer Epidemic” had abortion as number one among seven risk predictors saying, abortion is the “best predictor of breast cancer” and showed fertility and early pregnancies associated with a reduction in risk. [ai30] A Chinese meta-analysis of 36 studies showed a 44% increased risk of breast cancer after abortion which followed on the heels of studies from India and Bangladesh showing a 600% and 2000% increased risk! [ai28] Since 1973 and the institution of legal abortion with Roe v. Wade breast cancer in the USA has risen by 50%. [ai17] [ai19] Pregnancy has been proven to reduce breast cancer risk in a landmark study. [ai17] [ai31] So let me summarize; breast cancer is the number one cause of death by cancer in women, it is the number two overall killer in women, pregnancy has been found to be protective against breast cancer, and abortion has been significantly linked as the “best predictor of breast cancer” in numerous studies with a 50% increased incidence since abortion numbers escalated after legalization in 1973. Yet abortionists and pro-abortion advocates say pregnancy kills more women than abortion? Your life or someone you love’s life could depend on the facts of the studies above as opposed to the abortion lobby’s dangerous and self-serving unscientific rhetoric.

What about abortion deaths compared directly to deaths from childbirth? Again, the pro-abortion advocates throw out unsupported numbers claiming 4-14 times higher death rates from pregnancy. Careful analysis of honest studies shows numbers far different than these. It needs to be noted first that abortion illness/death numbers are hard to come by as the abortion industry hides their data. Even so abortion is still reported as the fifth leading cause of maternal death. Abortion is confusingly sometimes included in total maternal deaths when they are compared to abortion deaths. [ai6] [ai7] When tax supported payments for abortion are forced on those of us who are opposed to abortion, such as has happened in California, one positive thing happens. We finally get to see real abortion data through the light of the Freedom of Information Act. Dr. David Reardon did just this by mining California’s abortion data in his classic study in the Southern Medical Journal in 2002. [ai10] His data proved abortion had an increased death rate compared to women who delivered of 1.62 times higher for all causes, 2.52 times higher from suicide, and 1.82 times higher from accidents. There is an abortion associated death rate 1.44 times higher from natural causes including AIDS of 2.18, circulatory diseases of 2.87, and cerebrovascular of 5.42 times higher! A large well designed record based study from Finland of 100,000 cases, the STAKES study, looked at data before and after pregnancy and found a four times higher death rate in those women who had abortions. The findings were similar to findings from Dr. Reardon’s study comparing women with completed pregnancies to abortion with abortion showing numbers for total deaths (3X higher), suicide (7X higher), accidents (2.5X higher), homicide (9X higher), and natural causes (1.5X higher). [ai12] In other words; pregnancy seems to protect against all causes of death which you might expect from someone having to care for children. They are likely to be a lot more careful in their lifestyles and data proves they are not as depressed as those who have aborted their children.

Prematurity (<37 weeks) occurs in 8.1% of births but accounts for 16.9% of infant deaths, the largest cause of neonatal deaths. (www) By 2003 49 studies had shown two abortions increased the risk of early premature births (<32 weeks) by 2X. 4 abortions extremely increased early premature births (<28 weeks) by 9X. [ai22] Many other studies support these findings. [ai14] [ai27] [ai32] Ectopic pregnancy, which was reported above, is increased 40% after abortion which represents 12% of maternal deaths and also kills the baby even when treated. [ai2] Also, 10% of women undergoing elective abortion will suffer immediate complications and 20% of these (2% of total) will be life threatening. [ai6] The list of other medical and mental health problems caused by abortion is extensive and includes; increase in cervical/ovarian/liver cancers, uterine perforation, cervical lacerations, severe bleeding, sepsis, scarring of the uterine lining making pregnancy difficult, placenta previa which increases 7X the threat of death to baby and mother in subsequent pregnancies, anesthesia complications, and death. Is it any wonder that most women have to be pressured into abortion to face these risks? [ai6]

Late Term Abortion:

Pro-abortion (pro-choice) opponents argued during the legislative debate for partial birth abortion that it would only be used rarely when a woman’s life was at risk and for fetal abnormalities. They later admitted that they lied. It was used often with just one provider doing 2000 in 1995 alone, only 9% for health reasons (mostly depression) with the rest being normal pregnancies with mostly normal fetuses. [al2] [al4] The “father of lies” and “murderer from the beginning” has to be delighted by all the lies and lies by silence that have helped sanction the killing of our progeny by our own hands; including those babies survivable outside the womb. As noted earlier one neurological expert has said of these later term abortions, “pain can be perceived…possibly more exquisitely than by an adult…the details are so gross and ghastly that it seems impossible to believe that medical colleagues of another specialty would carry it out.” [al10] In a JAMA article in 1998 the authors reflect on the Partial Birth Abortion procedure but it is also directly applicable to Late Term Abortion.” It is beyond ironic that the pain management practiced for and intact D&X on a human fetus would not meet federal standards for the humane treatment in medical research.” [al2] An article I had published before the Partial Birth Abortion ban contains a lot of information still congruent with the problems with Late Term Abortion. (link)

83% of babies who deliver at 24 weeks gestation survive and 89% at 25 weeks. Risk of death at 21 weeks for induced abortion is 1/6000 and is just 1/13,000 for delivery at term; it is twice as safe for the mother to deliver than to abort their later term babies. [al2] [ag103] Late term babies are now killed while in the womb to avoid prosecution of the "doctors", 6 inches more and kill the baby it is murder. [ag78] [ag103] As noted there these babies still need delivered after being killed which is a gruesome and often difficult task. Here is a graphic report given from a traumatized healthcare worker, “She must have been about 23-25 weeks old. My heart lurched into my throat, to see this little girl gasping for air, and her little arms were grasping at air…She tried to cry, and little grunting noises were falling on deaf ears.” [am17] [ag103] You have to feel special sorrow for the mothers and killed babies, but also for the people directly and peripherally involved that have to witness this. How horrific it is.

Post Abortion-Healing/Mental Health Issues:

The abortion industry claims that women do not suffer mental health issues from abortion. In 37 years of primary health care which includes women’s healthcare (helping deliver 600 babies) I have never come across even one woman who did not cry to me over their abortion and tell me, “I think about it often” with many saying, "I think about it all the time." The conclusions of honest psychological studies show serious harm from abortion and are in stark contrast to those coming from abortionists and their supporters. These are just a few that document the harm done, [am2] [am3] [am4] [am5] [am6] [am7] [am8] [am9] [am10] [am11] [am12] [am13] [am14] [am15] [am16] [am18] Abortion advocates remain deaf to these studies and to the cries of these women. They know that agreeing that there is harm to women and fetuses does not abide by the “protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life” clause in the Roe v. Wade law which could jeopardize the law. This is the reason mental health post abortion care is always and only offered through crisis type Pregnancy Care Centers and pro-life counseling centers. Should the abortion industry offer these services, as it should, it admits guilt and involvement in harm.

In a recent, 1/1/2014, JAMA opinion piece called “Reframing Regret” the author writes how she was “startled by a new billboard…’Many women regret their abortion’”. She then double speaks her way through equating many “situational regret” issues, such as abortion, knee replacement, smoking in the past, etc. before unbelievably stating, “Perhaps regret is debated more in abortion…because the existence of a fetus makes abortion different in some critical way”. She finally admits, “some (patients) will have more severe responses, these (patients) need support and access to mental health services.” Exactly, the data from hundreds of studies [am10] overwhelmingly shows this and many post abortion patients need this care, but it is not offered by the abortion industry.

The mental health problems post abortion women suffer are “critical” “situational regret” far deeper than the knee surgery regret the “Reframing Regret” author above tries to confuse it with. One study shows 31% of post abortion women with regret and 60% of those with post abortion symptoms reporting suicidal ideation and 28% actually attempting suicide. [am15] A Finnish study showed suicide rates of 11.3/100,000 in the general population, 5.9 in those delivering a child, and 34.7 following induced abortion. Induced abortion had a suicide rate 6X that of having a child- childbearing being protective with a lower suicide rate than the normal population. A Canadian study in 2002 looked at 500 studies of women having had an abortion over the previous 20 years and found those women more likely than other women to have committed suicide. [am10] In a 2003 study of 1884 women the women whose pregnancies ended in an abortion, as much as 8 years before, had a 65% higher chance of depression than other women. [am13] A 2005 study showed post abortion women with 36.4% having thoughts of suicide, 78% with guilt, 62% unable to forgive themselves, 59.5% felt part of me died, and 29% felt they needed help. [am18] [am4] This is not a little bit of regret and may help the above author understand her clueless statement, “the existence of a fetus makes abortion different in some critical way”.


Abortion is a violent act; the majority of women does not elect to have one by "choice" but are pressured by others. They suffer physically, mentally, and spiritually, as do others around them. These babies suffer pain through this violent act committed on them and are denied their autonomy to live even when able to survive outside the womb. They are denied their unalienable rights accorded them by our Declaration of Independence which says, “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”...“which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them”. Abortion providers and their co-workers suffer because of the horrors they have witnessed. Abraham Lincoln said it well, “A house divided against it-self cannot stand.” The people of our country and of all countries of the world are justifiably divided against each other over abortion. There is no way anyone can be forced to accept abortion by law, even healthcare law, which will only divide us further. We do not deserve to survive as a nation if we universally acquiesce to the ungodly destruction of our own children. God forgive us for extinguishing your precious gifts of life by the act of abortion; life that was created by you in your image-Imago Dei.

Copyright©2013 www.thegiftoflife.info



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ai18.   "Women Attribute Substance Abuse, Sexual Disorders, and Suicidal Thoughts to Abortion", Afterabortion.org from Medical Science Monitor, November 16, 2004, (www).
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ai20.   "Abortion Risks: A list of major physical complications related to abortion", Abortion Risks and Complications, copyright 1997, 2000 Elliot Institute, (www).
ai21.   "The After Effects of Abortion", David Reardon, afterabortin.org, (www).
ai22.   "Induced Abortion and Risk of Later Premature Births", Brent Rooney, Byron C. Calhoun, M.D., Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 8 Number 2 Summer 2003, (www).
ai23.   "The Maternal Mortality Myth in the context of legalized abortion", Bryon Calhoun, West Virginia University, Linacre Quarterly, Catholic Medical Association, Vol 80, #3, August 2013.
ai24.   "Paper Shows Ireland’s Maternal Mortality Half of England’s Without Abortion", Paul Stark, Dublin, Ireland, LifeNews.com, 6/20/13, (www).
ai25.   “Putin Signs Law Banning Abortion Ads as It Decimates Russia’s Population”, by Steven Ertelt, Moscow, Russia, LifeNews.com, 11/25/13, (www).
ai26.   "Complications of Abortion talk at Medical Women's International Assoc. Banned at last minute", Mary L Davenport, MD, FACOG, August 3, 2013, (www).
ai27.   "Preterm Birth and Abortion-Powerpoint Presentation (downloadable/viewable-no need to save)", Mary L Davenport, MD, FACOG, August 3, 2013, (www).
ai28.   "Maternal Mortality and the Myth of “Safe” Abortion-Powerpoint Presentation (long download/viewable-no need to save)", Dr. Donna Harrison, M.D., August 3, 2013, (www).
ai28.   "Bombshell Study Finds 44% Increased Breast Cancer Risk for Women Having Abortions", by Joel Brind, Ph.D., Washington, DC, LifeNews.com, 12/2/13, (www).
ai29.   “The Comparative Safety of Legal Induced Abortion and Childbirth in the United States”, Raymond, Elizabeth G. MD, MPH; Grimes, David A. MD,Obstetrics and Gynecology:February 2012 - Volume 119 - Issue 2, Part 1 - p 215–219, (www).
ai30.   "New Study Shows 'Best Predictor of Breast Cancer'”, Karen Malec, Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, October 3, 2007, (www).
ai31.   "Age at First Birth and Breast Cancer Risk”, B. MACMAHON, P. COLE, T. M. LIN, C. R. LOWE, A. P. MIRRA, B. RAVNIHAR, E. J. SALBER, V. G. VALAORAS and S. YUASA, Bull World Health Organ. 1970; 43(2): 209–221., (www) and (www).
ai32.   "Revealed: how an abortion puts the next baby at risk”, Michael Day, 05/15/2005, News Telegraph, (www).

Abortion-Late Term Abortion

al1.     “Late-term Abortion”, Epner, Jonas, Seckinger, (www).
al2.     “Rationale for Banning Abortions Late in Pregnancy”,Sprang, Neerhof, JAMA, August 26, 1998, Vol. 280, No. 8, pp.744-747, (www).
al3.     "Partial-birth abortion: dispelling the myths", (www).
al4.     "Partial Birth Abortion", AbortionFacts.com, (www).
al5.     "Shots assist in aborting fetuses, Lethal injections offer legal shield", Carey Goldberg, Globe Staff, August 10, 2007, The Boston Globe, (www).
al6.     "Abortion docs reveal partial-birth procedure", World Net Daily News, 04/03/2004, (www).
al7.     "Lies exposed by photos and videos", Barbara Kralis, February 10, 2006, Lifeissues.net, (www).
al8.     "Key Facts on Partial-Birth Abortion", National Right to Life, February 14, 2003, (www).
al9.     "Saline Abortion", Wikipedia, (www).
al10.   "Partial-birth abortion: a neurosurgeon speaks", Robert J. White, America (NY). 1997 Oct 18;177(11):4-5., (www).
al11.   "Partial Birth Abortion Ban, 2007", Wikipedia, (www).
al12.   "Partial Birth Abortion Ban, 2003", Public Law 108-105, 108th Congress, Page 117 STAT. 1201, (www).

Abortion-Post Abortion Healing/Mental Health Issues

am1.     "Abortion and Healing"; For numerous articles see; (www) and (www).
am2.     “New Study Links Suicide, Abortion”,(www).
am3.     “Suicides after pregnancy in Finland, 1987-94:register linkage study”,Gissler et. al., Mika, BMJ, 1996; 313: pp. 1431-34, (www).
am4.     "Trauma Symptoms After Abortion Are Common New Study Shows", Elliot Institute, November 16, 2004, (www).
am5.     "Women’s Mental Health after Abortion-Powerpoint Presentation (downloadable/viewable-no need to save)", Dr. Martha Shuping, M.D., August 3, 2013, (www).
am6.     "British Woman Committed Suicide After Abortion of Twins Over Extreme Grief" ", Steven Ertelt, WASHINGTON, DC, LIFENEWS.COM, 2/21/08, (www).
am7.     "The Abortion Suicide Connection", David Reardon, Phd., November 23, 1999 by EI, (www).
am8.     "Abortion Increases Risk of Women’s Mental Health Problems 81%", Steven Ertelt, London, England, LifeNews.com, 9/1/11, (www).
am9.     "Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009", Priscilla K. Coleman, BJP- The British Journal of Psychiatry(2011); 199:180-186, doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.077230, (www).
am10.    "MAJOR STUDY ON ABORTION FINDS RISKS MUCH HIGHER THAN EXPECTED", The National Catholic Register, 23-April-2002, (www).
am11.    "Women Need More Mental Health Treatment After Abortion, New Study Finds", Coleman PK, Reardon DC, Rue VM, Cougle JR. “State-funded abortions vs. deliveries: A comparison of outpatient mental health claims over five years.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 2002, Vol. 72, No. 1, 141, (www).
am12.    "Study finds depression suffered by 80% of women who abort", CNA, Madrid, Spain, Dec 9, 2008, (www).
am13.    "NEW STUDY LINKS CLINICAL DEPRESSION TO ABORTION", LifeSiteNews.com, May 08, 2003, (www).
am14.    "Depression associated with abortion and childbirth: a long-term analysis of the NLSY cohort", Jesse R. Cougle, David C. Reardon, Priscilla K. Coleman, Med Sci Monit 2003;9(4):CR105-112, (www).
am15.    "A List of Major Psychological Sequelae of Abortion", Elliot Institute, November 23, 1999, (www).
am16.    "Royal College Warns Abortions Can Lead to Mental Illness", Sarah-Kate Templeton, Times Online, Mar. 16, 2008, (www).
am17.    "Traumatised Health Care Professionals Forced to Take Part in Abortion Procedures", www.dfl.org.za, 29 June 2002, (www).
am18.    "Induced abortion and traumatic stress: a preliminary comparison of American and Russian women", Rue VM, Coleman PK, Rue JJ, Reardon DC, Med Sci Monit. 2004 Oct;10(10):SR5-16, (www).


cg1.     “Contraception: Why Not”, Janet Smith, Catholic Educator’s Resource Center: Sexuality, (www-revised) and (www-classic).
cg2.     “Condom slipups Common among college-age men”, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sept. 2002,(www) and (www) and (www-Sept 4).
cg3.     "Study: Contraception use up, abortions double; researchers can’t figure out why", Jill Stanek-Reports.,(www).
cg4.     "WHAT DOES THE CHURCH TEACH ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL?", Couple to Couple League, EWTN, (www).
cg5.     "The Passions Behind the Pill, Helping women in poverty is what drove the development of the oral contraceptive", Katherine Leitzell, US News And World Report, 8/5/2007, (www).
cg6.     "Contraceptive Failure Chart", www.lovefacts.org, (www).
cg7.     "Comstock Laws", Wikipedia, (www).
cg8.     "A Challenging Truth, Part One: How Birth Control Works", Patti Maguire Armstrong, Catholic Exchange, Free Republic, February 9, 2008, (www).
cg9.     "Are All Contraceptive Failures Unintended Pregnancies? Evidence from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth", James Trussell, Barbara Vaughan and Joseph Stanford, Family Planning Perspectives, Guttmacher Institute, Volume 31, Number 5, September/October 1999, (www).
cg10.   "Condom Use Still Low Among Adults", Dr. Choy Y. Man said at the annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2002, (www).
cg11.   "The Contraception Contradiction-Growing evidence suggests that the “more contraceptives, fewer abortions, theory is flawed", Danile Alott, Catholic World Report, May 28, 2012, (www).
cg12.   "DISPELLING THE MYTHS behind conception, contraception and abortifacient drugs", J. C. Willke, MD and Bradley Mattes, MBS, Life Issues Institute, 2010, (www).
cg13.   "Contraceptive References in the Bible", FR. WILLIAM SAUNDERS, (www).
cg14.   "Does the Bible Condemn Use of Contraceptives", Peter Dawson, Family Foundations, Couple to Couple, March-April 2003.
cg15.   "The Treatment of Sexual Assault Victims", Kevin T. McMahahon, Ethics and Medics, National Catholic Bioethics Center, September 2002, Volume 27, Number 9.
cg16.   "Physicians Groups Charge US Government with Condom Cover-up", Austin Ruse, C-Fam, April 17,2001, (www).
cg17.   "How well do condoms work against STDs?-Debate over whether warning labels should be changed", NBCNews.com, 6/29/2005, (www).
cg18.   "Despite guidelines, U.S. condom use still low", BRUCE JANCIN, Denver Bureau, COPYRIGHT 2004 International Medical News Group, www.thefreelibrary.co, (www).
cg19.   "NIH Condom Report Draws Fire", The Body, August 1, 2001, (www).
cg20.   "Workshop Summary: Scientific Evidence on Condom Effectiveness for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Prevention", June 12-13, 2000 Hyatt Dulles Airport Herndon, Virginia, (www).
cg21.   "No Protection: Federal Study Highlights Condom's Ineffectiveness", Eve Tushnet, National Caatolic Register, September 2-8, 2001.
cg22.   "The pope was right about condoms, says Harvard HIV expert", William Crawley, Sunday, 29 March 2009, BBC News, (www).
cg23.   "Condoms, STD, Teenagers, and International Case Studies Showing Condom Ineffectiveness Against HIV/AIDS", Life Issues Institute, (www).
cg24.   "New Research Shows Dangers of Condoms in HIV Prevention", Culture of Life Foundation and Institute, January 13, 2004 Posted on Tuesday, (www).
cg25.   "Muslim Women on Condom Machines: “Don’t ruin our culture, Remove these machines”, Gudrun Schultz, Dec. 14, 2005, www.truthandgrace.com, (www).
cg26.   "Condoms are not reliable in fight against HIV, says African cardinal", Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service, Oct. 5, 2009, (www).
cg27.   "Uganda clearly shows contraceptives not the answer to HIV/AIDS epidemic", Brian Clowes, Oct 11, 2011, Lifesitenews, (www).
cg28.   "Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Report Shows Condoms Provide Inadequate Risk Reduction From U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention", December 23, 2002 The Body, (www).
cg29.   "The Case Against Condoms", A Reflection by His Eminence Alfonso Cardinal Lopez Trujillo, President, Prontifical Council for the Family, December 1, 2003, (www).
cg30.   "Benedict XVI on Condoms and AIDS", James McTavish, April, 2013, (www).
cg31.   "Report Shows Contraception Failure, 54% Used Before Abortion”, Steven Ertelt, Washington, DC, LifeNews.com, 1/11/11, (www).
cg32.   "The Bible and Birth Control”, Scott Hahn, Touchstone Magazine, Criswell College, (www-Hahn).
cg33.   "Effectiveness of Family Planning Methods", CDC‎, (www).
cg34.   "Sex, Condoms, and STDs: What We Now Know", monograph by The Medical Institute, (www) and (www).
cg35.   "Scientific Review of Condom Effectiveness Research Reveals Condoms Provide Inadequate Risk Reduction For Sexually Transmitted Diseases", The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, 2002, (www).
cg36.   "Contraceptives and the Law-A View From a Catholic Medical Institution", Eric A. Zimmer, SJ, PhD; Jos V. M. Welie, JD, PhD, MA, MMedS; Marc S. Rendell, MD, JAMA.May 2013;309(19):1999-2000, (www).


ci1.     "Breast Cancer Its Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill", Kahlenborn, Chris, MD, (www).
ci2.     “Hormone Replacement Therapy in Relation to Breast Cancer”, Chen, Weiss, Newcomb, Barlow, White, JAMA, Feb. 13, 2002, Vol. 287, No. 6, pp.734-41, (www).
ci3.     “Birth Control Pill/Breast Cancer Study Another Victim Of Biased Reporting”, search  (www).
ci4.     "Ortho-Novum 7/7/7-Mechanisam of Action and Unintended Pregnancies", Physicians Desk Reference, (www).
ci5.     "More birth control choices for women over 40", Dangers of the BCP for many, NBCNews.com, 4/4/2008,(www).
ci6.     "Pill inventor slams ... pill", January 08, 2009, (www).
ci7.     "Delay in conception for former 'pill' users", Linn S, Schoenbaum SC, Monson RR, Rosner B, Ryan KJ, JAMA. 1982 Feb 5;247(5):629-32, (www).
ci8.     "The Harms of Contraception", Life Issues.net, One More Soul, (www).
ci9.     "Ortho Evra A New Option in Birth Control"-database does not quite go back this far, Volume 17, Issue 3 Jan 2002, (www).
ci10.   "Postfertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Informed Consent", Walter L. Larimore, MD; Joseph B. Stanford, MD, MSPH , Arch Fam Med. 2000;9:126-133, The Polycarp, (www).
ci11.   "Hormonal Contraceptives", Couple to Couple League, (www).
ci12.   "Nonoxynol-9 Spermicide Contraception Use-United States, 1999", MMWR, 2002:51:289-392, (www).
ci13.   "Real Contraceptive Choices: Alternatives to Risky Hormone Pills, Patches and Shots", Dr. Mercola, July 10, 2010, (www).
ci14.   "What a Woman Should Know about Birth Control", Chris Kahlenborn, MD, One More Soul, (www).
ci15.   "What a Woman Should Know about Contraceptives", Catholic News Agency, (www).
ci16.   "Canadian MP says Cancer Society Withholding Pill/Cancer Link", Hilary White, Lifesitenews, March 17, 2006, (www).
ci17.   "Abstract 3537: Oral Contraceptives Cause Major C-reactive Protein Rises in the Female General Population" taking for 10 years increased plaque 20-30%, Ernst Rietzschel1; Marc De Buyzere1; Dirk De Baquer1; Michel Langlois2; Sofie Bekaert3; Patrick Segers3; Piet Van Damme4; Pascal Verdonck5; Guy De Backer5; Thierry C Gillebert5, ASKLEPIOS investigators, Circulation. 2007;116:II_800-II_801, (www).
ci18.   "Oral contraceptive risks: a realistic appraisal", Bressler R, Durand JL, Drug Ther (NY). 1979 Oct;9(10):81-95, (www).
ci19.   "Possible Interventions to Minimize the Bone Mineral Density Loss Associated with Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Use in Adolescents and Young Adults", Zeev Harel, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Brown University School of Medicine, 2011, U S O B S T E T R I C S and G Y N E C O L O G Y, (www).
ci20.   "Primary liver tumors and oral contraceptives. Results of a survey", Vana J, Murphy GP, Aronoff BL, Baker HW, JAMA. 1977 Nov 14;238(20):2154-8, (www).
ci21.   "The Neurological Complicattions of the Pill", Hanna Damasio, M.D., Medical Times, Vol. 109, No. 6, June, 1981.
ci22.   "Migraine with aura tied to stroke risk in young women: smoking, OCS compound odds of ischemia", Worcester, Sharon, Family Practice News, April 1, 2007, (www).
ci23.   "Poisoned by the Pill: Truths about Chemical Contraception", Mary Anne Moresco, Feb 20, 2012 in Featured, Life Issues and Bioethics, Catholic Lane, (www).
ci24.   "Contraceptive Dangers", Zenit, January 08, 2005, (www-1) and (www-2).
ci25.   "Estrogen therapy linked to breast lumps", Heather Vannest, Apr 8, 2008, (www).
ci26.   "Lung Cancer Mortality Higher in Women Who Used Combination Hormone Therapy", Tracy Hampton, PhD, JAMA. 2009;302(6):615-616. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1117, (www).
ci27.   "Hormone Therapy and Ovarian Cancer", Lina Steinrud Mørch, MSc; Ellen Løkkegaard, MD, PhD; Anne Helms Andreasen, MSc; Susanne Krüger-Kjær, MD, DrMSci; Øjvind Lidegaard, MD, DrMSci, JAMA. 2009;302(3):298-305. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1052, (www).
ci28.   "Cervical cancer and use of hormonal contraceptives: a systematic review.", Smith, Et. Al., Lancet. 2003 Apr 5;361(9364):1159-67, (www).
ci29.   "Hormonal birth control, bacterial infections in women linked to increased shedding of type-2 herpes", Dr. Thomas Cherpes, Et. Al., University of Pittsburgh and Magee-Womens Research Institute, (www).
ci30.   "Birth Control Pill May Permanently Reduce Sex Drive Study Finds", Lifesitenews, May 26, 2005, (www).
ci31.   "Birth Control Pill May Cause Prostate Cancer and Bladder Disease in Mothers’ Children", Lifesitenews, May 04, 2005, (www).
ci32.   "Low dose birth control pill raises heart attack risk, especially in some women", News Medical Net, July 11, 2005, (www).
ci33.   "Hormonal Changes Causing Sexual Dysfunction May Not Be Immediately Reversible", Miranda Hitti, WebMD Health News, May 19, 2005, (www).
ci34.   "Depression and Hormonal Contraception—Reply", Marlene P. Freeman, MD, JAMA. 2001;286(6):671-672. doi:10.1001/jama.286.6.671, (www).
ci35.   "Researchers Explain Why Having Baby Reduces Breast Cancer Chances", Steven Ertelt, WASHINGTON, DC, LIFENEWS.COM, 10/2/07, (www).
ci36.   "A Case-Control Study of Oral Contraceptive Use and Incident Breast Cancer", Lynn Rosenberg,corresponding author Yuqing Zhang, Patricia F. Coogan, Brian L. Strom, and Julie R. Palmer, Am J Epidemiol. 2009 February 15; 169(4): 473–479, (www).
ci37.   "Study: Long use of any hormones poses breast cancer risk", Darr Beiser, USAToday.com, (www).
ci38.   "Decline in U.S. Breast Cancers Tied to Drop in Hormone Use", Amanda Gardner, HealthDay Reporter , Tuesday, August 14, 2007, (www).
ci39.   "Incidence of Breast Cancer With Distant Involvement Among Women in the United States, 1976 to 2009 ", Rebecca H. Johnson, MD; Franklin L. Chien, BA; Archie Bleyer, MD, JAMA. 2013;309(8):800-805., (www).
ci40.   "Oral contraceptives and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.", Narod SA, Et.Al., J Natl Cancer Inst. 2002 Dec 4;94(23):1773-9, (www).
ci41.   "Breast Cancer Risk from The Pill ", Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, One More Soul, LifeIssues.net, (www).
ci42.   "World Health Organization Classifies Contraceptives as Highly Carcinogenic", LifeSiteNews.com, Mon Aug 08, 2005, (www).
ci43.   "New Risk Data Added to Contraceptive Patch Label", JOHN R. BELL, FamilyPracticeNews, 10/15/2006, (www).
ci44.   "FDA announces review of birth control pills over serious blood clot risks", Peter J. Smith, Wed Jun 01, 2011, (www).
ci45.   "Study adds to evidence on clot risks of non-oral contraceptives", Øjvind Lidegaard, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Gynaecological Clinic, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 9, 2012, (www).
ci46.   "Venous thrombosis in users of non-oral hormonal contraception: follow-up study, Denmark 2001-10", Øjvind Lidegaard, Et.Al., BMJ 2012; 344, (www).
ci47.   "FDA Drug Safety Communication: Safety review update on the possible increased risk of blood clots with birth control pills containing drospirenone", 09-26-2011, (www).
ci48.   "Mirena complications", www.drugs.com, (www).
ci49.   "FDA requires warning labels for nonoxynol 9", Schneider, Mary Ellen, Family Practice News, January 1, 2008, (www).
ci50.   "Contracepting the Environment-environmentalists Mum", WAYNE LAUGESEN, National Catholic Register, Tuesday, Jul 10, 2007, (www).
ci51.   "Estrogen Plus Progestin and Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Postmenopausal Women", Rowan T. Chlebowski, MD, Et.Al., JAMA. 2010;304(15):1684-1692, (www).
ci52.   "Confirmed: breast Ca more likely in HRT users.", ROBERT FINN, Sept. 15, 2010, FROM CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY, BIOMARKERS AND PREVENTION, (www).
ci53.   "Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment", Stephen Hulley, MD, MPH; Deborah Grady, MD, MPH, JAMA. 2009;301(23):2493-2495, (www).
ci54.   "Hormone Replacement Therapy Linked to Ovarian Cancer", Allison Gandey, April 24, 2007, Medscape Family Medicine, (www).
ci55.   "Estrogen Plus Progestin and the Incidence of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Postmenopausal WomenThe Women's Health Initiative Memory Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial", Sally A. Shumaker, PhD, Et.Al., JAMA. 2003;289(20):2651-2662, (www).
ci56.   "Oral contraceptives linked to increased risk of multiple sclerosis", Nicole Kwan, Published February 28, 2014, FoxNews.com, (www).
ci57.   "Depression as a side effect of the contraceptive pill", Kulkarni J., Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2007 Jul;6(4):371-4., (www).
ci58.   "Some Oral Contraceptive Side Effects Irreversible", By: MIRIAM E. TUCKER, (www).
ci59.   "Risks of breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancers after twin births", Jianguang Ji1, Asta Fôrsti1, Jan Sundquist, Kari Hemminki, Deutsche Krebshilfe, the Swedish Cancer Society, (www).
ci60.   "The Effects of Twins, Parity and Age at First Birth on Cancer Risk in Swedish Women", Neale, Rachel E.1; Darlington, Steven2; Murphy, Michael F.G.3; Silcocks, Paul B.S.4; Purdie, David M.5; Talbäck, Mats, Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 8, Number 2, April 2005 , pp. 156-162(7), (www).
ci61.   "Hormonal contraceptives increase risk of HSV-2 transmission", Thomas Cherpes, MD, of the Magee-Womens Research Institute, Published on April 6, 2005, Medical Net News, (www).
ci62.   "Pill increases breast cancer risk", BBC News, Posted on ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2002‎, (www).
ci63.   "Contraceptive Used in Africa May Double Risk of H.I.V.", PAM BELLUCK, Published: October 3, 2011‎, (www).
ci64.   "Hormonal contraception and HIV: an unanswered question EDITORIAL", Charles S Morrison a, Kavita Nanda a, a Clinical Sciences, FHI 360, Durham, NC, USA‎, (www).
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ci66.   "The Lancet Infectious Diseases: Study supports link between injectable hormonal contraceptive and HIV risk, Lauren Ralph, lead author, epidemiologist, The University of California at Berkeley‎, (www).

Contraception-Emergency Contraception

ce1.     "Postfertilization Effect of Hormonal Emergency Contraception", Chris Kahlenborn, Joseph B Stanford, and Walter L Larimore, The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 2002 March, Volume 36, (www).
ce2.     "Mass. Emergency Contraception Bill Vetoed", July 27, 2005, Associated Press, (www).
ce3.     "Population Effect of Increased Access to Emergency Contraceptive Pills: A Systematic Review", Raymond, Elizabeth G. MD, MPH1; Trussell, James PhD2; Polis, Chelsea B.3, Obstetrics and Gynecology: January 2007 - Volume 109 - Issue 1 - pp 181-188, (www).
ce4.     "Researcher Confirms Abortion Drug Causes Rare Infection Killing Women". Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com Editor, July 27, 2005, (www).
ce5.     "Direct Access to Emergency Contraception", A response to "Direct Access to Emergency Contraception Through Pharmacies and Effect on Unintended Pregnancy and STIs-A Randomized Controlled Trial", JAMA. 2005;293(15):1856-1857, h(www).
ce6.     "Why this pharmacy does not sell the 'morning-after' pill", John Wilks B. Pharm., MPS, MACPP, LifeIssues.net, (www).
ce7.     "China Bans RU 486 Abortion Drug October 22, 2001", Christian Life Resources, (www).
ce8.     "The "Morning After" Pill", DR. JOHN J. B. SHEA, M.D., Catholic Insight (May, 2004), (www).
ce9.     "Facts of Life: Chapter 2: Abortifacients: (5) The RU-486 Abortion Pill--Part 1, Part 2", Human Life International, (www), Part 1, (www).
ce10.   "Study: morning-after pill doesn’t reduce unwanted pregnancy", Eben Harrell, TIME.com, March 17, 20, http://healthland.time.com/2010/03/17/study-morning-after-pill-doesnt-work/, and, Arland K. Nichols, ZENIT, The world seen from Rome News Agency, (www).
ce11.   "Use of Morning-After Pill on the Rise: CDC", THURSDAY, Feb. 14 (HealthDay News), (www).
ce12.   "RU-486 Facts", (www).
ce13.   "FDA approves a five-day pill", Rob Stein, Washington Post, Friday, August 13, 2010,(www).
ce14.   "Abortion pill used in a quarter of US abortions", Jul 09, 2009, (www).
ce15.   "Abortion Drug Has Killed 29 Women, European Maker Tells Italy’s Government", Steven Ertelt, WASHINGTON, DC, LIFENEWS.COM, 7/31/09, (www).
ce16.   "Repeat Pregnancies Occur in Teens, Despite Access to ECPs", DIANA MAHONEY, Family Practice News, 06/15/07, (www).
ce17.   "Does Emergency Contraception Cause Early Abortions?", CHRISTIAN BRUGGER, National Catholic Register, 04/25/2013, (www-part1) and (www-part2).
ce18.   "FDA Makes Plan B Contraceptive Available to 15-Year-Olds", SUE ELLEN BROWDER, National Catholic Register, 05/09/2013, (www).
ce19.   "Population Effect of Increased Access to Emergency Contraceptive Pills: A Systematic Review", Raymond, Elizabeth G. MD, MPH1; Trussell, James PhD2; Polis, Chelsea B, Obstetrics And Gynecology: January 2007 - Volume 109 - Issue 1 - pp 181-188, (www).
ce20.   "EC on hand failed to cut pregnancy rates.(WOMEN'S HEALTH)(emergency contraception)(Clinical report)", Worcester, Sharon , Family Practice News, April 1, 2010, (www).
ce21.   "Morning-after pill use rises in US", BBC.com, Feb 14, 2013, (www).
ce22.   "Emergency Contraception Fails to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion", www.USCCB.org, (www).

Contraception-Sexual Health

cs1.     “Birth Control and Christian Discipleship”, Kippley, John, CCL, May, 2001, (www).
cs2.     “In the service to the gospel of life: Male-female complimentarity”, Haas, John, A Conference on Christian Sexuality: an examination of the ‘Theology of the Body’", July, 18-20, 2002, (www).
cs3.     “Adolescent Sexuality: A Review of the role of the School, parents and the Medical Profession”, The Linacre Quarterly, Catholic Medical Association, Feb 2002, Vol. 69, N.1.
cs4.     Effects of Contraception on Personal Relationships, Human Life International, (www).
cs5.     "Won't safe sex protect you from getting an STD?", (www).
cs6.     "Aha, Call it revenge of the church ladies", Mattox Jr., William R., USA Today, Feb 12, 1999, (www).
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Death Penalty

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In-Vitro Fertilization

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Natural Family Planning

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Organ Donation-Transplantation

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Population Control

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pc9.     "Nearly 1 in 5 older women are going childless", Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY, 6/25/2010, (www).
pc10.   "Over Half of Italian Families Childless: Report", Hilary White, LifeSiteNews, 3/24/2010, (www).
pc11.   "7,000 Unborn Girls Die From Sex-Selection Abortion Daily in India", Gudrun Schultz, Lifesitenews.com, Dec 14, 2006, (www).
pc12.   "India has killed 10 mln girls in 20 years - Renuka Chowdhury", Palash Kumar, Dec 14, 2006, (www).
pc13.   "Russian Abortion Killing and Sterilizing Millions; Demographic Collapse Likely to be Worse than Prev", LifeSiteNews.com, Tue Apr 12, 2005, (www).
pc14.   "A world without children a result of worldwide 'demographic death spiral'",Ian Hunter, LifeSiteNews.com, Apr 05, 2007, (www).
pc15.   "Japan in the Death Spiral", Brian Clowes, Life Issues Institue, November 16, 2007, (www).
pc16.   "Vatican Cardinal: 'We are realizing the worst prophecies of aging and demographic implosion'", LifeSiteNews.com, Jan 31, 2006, (www).
pc17.   "The liberal baby bust", Phillip Longman, USA Today, 3/13/2006, (www).
pc18.   "The Fizzling Population Bomb", Zenit.org, March 12, 2005, (www).
pc19.   "Unlike the "Population Bomb," This One Is for Real", Zenit.org, February 23, 2002, (www).
pc20.   "The Population Dud", AUSTIN RUSE, The Catholic World Report, May 2002, (www).
pc21.   "The Population Bomb That Fizzled", CELESTE MCGOVERN, National Catholic Register, May, 2000, (www).
pc22.   "A childless culture", Anne Marie Owens, National Post February 20, 2006, (www).
pc23.   "Let's Have More Babies!", Paul Johnson, Forbes.com, 04.17.06, (www).
pc24.   "Dying for growth", Jim Yong Kim, Et.Al., (www).
pc25.   "Europe’s ‘baby bust’ signals major change", David R. Sands, The Washington Times, Nov. 24, 2005, (www).
pc26.   "UN WARNS OF UNDERPOPULATION WOES IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES", LifeSiteNews.com, Aug 20, 2002, (www).
pc27.   "Mexico’s population keeps growing, but at a slower pace", Geo-Mexico, (www).
pc28.   "Western culture: Is it death by fertility rate?", PETER WORTHINGTON, Toronto Sun, December 10, 2006, (www).
pc29.   "U.S. Birth Rate Hits New Low", 29 November 2012, (www).
pc30.   "Low Fertility and Low Economic Growth", Father John Flynn, LC, Zenit.org, October 09, 2011, (www).
pc31.   "Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe", Ethan A. Huff, NaturalNews, (www).
pc32.   "French sperm count 'falls by a third'", Anna--Marie Lever, BBC News, Dec 4 2012, (www).
pc33.   "Baby bust: U.S. births at record low", By Annalyn Kurtz, CNNMoney, money.cnn.com, m, (www).

Stem Cells-General

sg1.     "Embryonic Stem Cell Fairy Tales", Jean Swenson, July 27, 2005, (www).
sg2.     "What is apoptosis and why is it important?", A. Renehan, C. Booth, C. Pott, BMJ USA, Vol. 1, June 23,2001, pp. 466-68, (www).
sg3.     "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation", Perumbeli MD, Medscape Reference, (www).
sg4.     "Stem Cells without Embryos", Reverend Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Catholic Education Resource Center, (www).
sg5.     "Scientists at Embryonic Stem Cell Research Mtg. Admit Failure", Steven Ertelt, LifeSiteNews.com Editor, June 23, 2005,(www) .
sg6.     "How to talk to Democrats about Embryonic Stem Cell Research", Eric Pavlat, Crisis, Vol. 24, No. 7, Sept. 2006, (www).
sg7.     "Stem Cell Research, Cloning and Human Embryos", Red Lane Baptist Church, (www).
sg8.     "Adult Stem Cells Heal Fractures", Matthew L. Jimenez, MD, AMA News 4/10/06, (www).
sg9.     "Reprogramming complicates stem cell debate", Alan Boyle, MSNBC, August 10, 2005, (www).
sg10.   "The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cells--Now and Forever, Cells Without End:", Eric Juengst, PhD, Michael Fossel, PhD, JAMA, Dec. 27, 2000, Vol. 284, No. 24, pp. 3180-84, (www).
sg11.   "Studies: Cord Blood Works Vs. Leukemia", "Outcomes after Transplantation of Cord Blood or Bone Marrow from Unrelated Donors in Adults with Leukemia", NEJM, Nov. 25, 2004, (www).
sg12.   "Stem cells reverse blindness caused by burns", ALICIA CHANG, AP Science Writer, Phys.org, Jun 23, 2010, (www).
sg13.   "Stem cells help regrow heart tissue in small study", Liz Szabo, USA TODAY, 2/13/2012, (www).
sg14.   "Stem Cell Sources", (www).
sg15.   "Guide to Stem Cells", (www).
sg16.   "Scientists grow mice heart muscle strip that beats", Phys.org, Oct 15, 2009, (www).
sg17.   "Stem Cell Injection Beats Collagen for Urinary Incontinence (adult autologous stem cells)", PATRICE WENDLING, familypracticenews.com, 15 January 2007, (www).
sg18.   "Lab Grows Bladders From Cells of Patients", Jeff Donn, The Associated Press, April 4, 2006, (www).
sg19.   "2-year-old girl gets windpipe made from stem cells", Lindsey Tanner, Associated Press, Usa Today, April 30, 2013, (www).
sg20.   "Doctors transplant windpipe with stem cells", AP News, Usa Today, 11/20/2008, (www).
sg21.   "Scientists turn stem cells into neurons", Paul Elias, Associated Press, 1/31/2005, USA Today, (www).
sg22.   "Stem Cells May Repair Damage From MS", ALEX DOMINGUEZ, Associated Press Writer, April 17, 2003, http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-73309451.html.
sg23.   "Stem cells promising for Crohn's-related fistulas.(Digestive Disorders)", Ault, Alicia, Family Practice News, February 15, 2005, (www).
sg24.   "Reprogramming complicates stem cell debate", Alan Boyle Science editor, MSNBC.COM, 8/10/2005 , (www).
sg25.   "Healing not hype: Cord blood stem cell technology", Peter Hollands, Celebrate Life, March-April 2007, (www).
sg26.   "AMNIOTIC CELLS SHOW PROMISE FOR FETAL TISSUE ENGINEERING", Mike Mitka, JAMA. 2001;286(17):2081-2083, (www).
sg27.   "Study: Amniotic Fluid Yields Stem Cells", Paul Elias, The Associated Press, 08 January 2007, (www).
sg28.   "Emerging Stem Cell Therapies", Supplement to the Journal of Family Practice, Oct. 2006, (www).
sg29.   "Stem Cells: New Hope on the Horizon", Julie Marks, Nov. 15 2006, Ivanhoe Health, (www).
sg30.   "Embryonic Stem Cell Research Causes Tumors, New Study Shows", Steven Ertelt, WASHINGTON, DC, LIFENEWS.COM, 10/23/06, (www).
sg31.   "Report: Fetal stem cells trigger tumors in ill boy", Lauran Neergaard, 2/17/2009, (www).
sg32.   "Umbilical Cord Blood Storaage Options", (www), and (www), and (www), and (www).
sg33.   "FSU engineering professor growing bone in a lab", Barry Ray, Florida State Times, April-/May 2006, (www).
sg34.   "'Cost too high' for embryonic stem-cell research, Senate panel told", Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service, 10/1/2004, (www).
sg35.   "Embryonic stem cell fairy tales", Jean Swenson , Minnesota Daily, July 27, 2005, (www).
sg36.   "Nature Issues Corrections on Misleading Embryonic Stem Cell Research Study", Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com Editor, August 31, 2006, (www).
sg37.   "Adult stem cell treatments", Do No Harm-fact sheet, (www).
sg38.   "Geron halting stem cell research, laying off staff", Linda A. Johnson, Associated Press, 11/15/2011, (www).
sg39.   "And after stem cells, what?", Cal Thomas, July 5, 2001, (www).
sg40.   "Why are Catholics Praising the Nobel Prize Stem Cell Technology?", Stacy Trasancos, The American Catholic, October 15th, 2012, (www).
sg41.   "Stem-cell Science When medicine meets moral philosophy", Jonathan Shaw, Harvard Magazine, July-August, 2004, pp.37,38, (www).
sg42.   "Peer Reviewed References of Adult Stem Cell Treatments", www.stemcellresearch.org, (www).

Stem Cells-Cloning

sc1.     "The Perils of Cloning", Alice Park, Time Magazine, July 2, 2006, (www).
sc2.     "On behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops before the President's Council on Bioethics",Subject: Embryo Research and Related Issues, Richard M. Doerflinger,M.A., Ethics and Medics, June 12, 2003, (www).
sc3.     "Scientists at California University Also Engaging in human Cloning for Research", Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com, June 7, 2006,(www).
sc4.     "Critics slam new cloning research", Sharon Begley, Reuters, NEW YORK, May 15, 2013, (www).
sc5.     "Scientists report first success in cloning human stem cells", Alice Park, TIME.com, May 15, 2013, (www).
sc6.     "Stanford announces plans to clone human embryos", Elizabeth Wiese, Usa Today, 12/10/2002 , (www).
sc7.     "Maverick medic reveals details of baby cloning experiment", David Adam, guardian.co.uk, 20 July 2006, (www).
sc8.     "American Scientists Announce Intent to Clone Humans for Research", Mark Adams, Culture of Life Foundation, April 19, 2006, http://www.culture-of-life.org/american-scientists-announce-intent-clone-humans-research.
sc9.     "Scientists use sperm-like cells to make mice", Malcolm Ritter, Associated Press, 7/11/2006, (www).
sc10.   "Shorter Life Span for Cloned Mice", The World in Medicine, JAMA. 2002;287(10):1255, (www).
sc11.   "Early death of mice cloned from somatic cells", Narumi Ogonuki, Et.Al., Nature Genetics 30, 253 - 254 (2002), (www).
sc12.   "Cloned Pigs Produce Healthy Pork?", Amitabh Avasthi, National Geographic News, March 27, 2006, (www).
sc13.   "Death Sentence on Cloning", Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins, The Institute of Science in Society, (www).
sc14.   "The Stem Cell Debate: Are Parthenogenic Human Embryos a Solution?", Nancy Jones, The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, 06/02/2003, (www).
sc15.   "Why not cloning?"-the 'unnatural fruit' from abortion, Cal Thomas, 1/2/2003, (www).
sc16.   "Human pluripotent stem cells without human cloning", news-medical.net, 11/21/2007, (www).
sc17.   "Dolly creator Prof Ian Wilmut shuns cloning", Roger Highfield, UK Telegraph, November 16th, 2007, (www).
sc18.   "Scientists in California say they have produced embryos that are clones of two men using skin cells in step toward stem cell goal", Associated Press, 1/17/2008, (www).
sc19.   "Whole mice created from skin cells", Seth Borenstein Associated Press, NBCNews.com, 7/23/2009, (www).
sc20.   "Human Cloning", Dianne N. Irving, M.A., Ph.D., American Life League, (www).
sc21.   "In medical breakthrough, scientists convert human skin cells into embryonic stem cells", Loren Grush, Fox/news.com, May 15, 2013, (www).

Stem Cells-Transhumanism

st1.     "Mythical 'Chimera' Was Associated With Disaster Warning of Genetic Meddling", Michael H. Brown, SpiritDaily.com, www.
st2.     "Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy", Maryann Mott, National Geographic News, January 25, 2005, www.
st3.     "Mice created with human brain cells", Paul Elias, Associated Press, 12/12/2005, www.
st4.     "Stem cell experts seek rabbit-human embryo", Ian Sample, The Guardian, 1/13/2005, www.


wg1.     Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century, White, Matthew, www.
wg2.     "Genocide Unearthed", Simons, Lewis M., National Geographic, Jan. 2006, PP. 28-35, (www).


rs1.     "Emerging Issues in Palliative Care", Edmund D. Pelligrino, MD, JAMA, May20, 1998, Vol. 279, No. 19, pp.1521-22, (www).
rs2.     Resource Book, Right to Life-Lifespan of Metro Detroit, 2002, (www).
rs3.     "Demographic Bomb-Demography is destiny", also Demographic Winter Video, (www), and (www).
rs4.     "To Be Born"-Warning! Graphic-Parental Discretion-Not for Children, (www), and (www).
rs5.     "Back to the Future", C.Everett Koop, MD, Hippocrates, 3/1993, P.18.
rs6.     "Ethical Dilemmas in the Care of the ILL. What Is the Physician's Service?", Leon R. Kass, M.D., Phd., JAMA. 1980;244(16):1811-1816, (www).
rs7.     "Ethical Dilemmas in the Care of the ILL. What Is the Patient's Good?", Leon R. Kass, M.D., Phd., JAMA. 1980;244(17):1946-1949, (www).
rs8.     “A Hippocratic Oath for the 21st Century”, Ernsting, Kate, The National Catholic Register, July 24-30, 2001, pp. 15-16.
rs9.     “Hippocratic Oath—Modern Version”, Lasagna, Louis, 1964, (www).
rs10.   "Hypocritical Oath", Gene Edward Veith, WorldMag.com, 3/9/2002, (www).
rs11.   “The Hippocratic Oath Today: meaningless Relic or invaluable Moral Guide?”, (www).
rs12.   A Short History of Medical Ethics, Albert R. Jonsen, Oxford U. Press, p.17, (www).
rs13.   "Medical Professionalism in the New Millenium: A Physician Charter", Annals of Internal Medicine, 2002; 136:243-246, (www).
rs14.   "Only 1 Medical School uses the classic version of Hippocratic Oath", Kevin B. O'Reilly, American Medical News, 2/20/06, p.9, (www).
rs15.   Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, Thomas Robert Malthus, 1979, p.478.
rs16.   "Evidence-Based Persuasion-An Ethical Imperative", David Shaw, PhD; Bernice Elger, MD, JAMA. 2013;309(16):1689-1690, (www).
rs17.   Health Care Ethics, Benedict M., Ashley OP, Kevin D. O'Rourke OP, Georgetown University Press, Washington D.C., 1997, (www).
rs18.   Principles of Biomedical Ethics-fourth edition, Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress, Oxford University Press, 1994.
rs19.   Clinical Ethics, Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler, and William J. Winslade, 4th ed., New York: Mcgraw Hill, 1998, p.88.
rs20.   "Brain Work", The Neuroscience Newsletter, Page 1, March-April 2002.
rs21.   Britannica World Language Dictionary, Funk and Wagnalls Company, New York, 1961.
rs22.   "The Rule of Double Effect", Quality of Care with Do Not Resucitate Orders, Daniel P. Sulmasy, MD, PhD, Arch Intern Med, 1999;159:545-50, (www).
rs23.   Culture of Death-The Assault on Medical Ethics in America, Wesley J. Smith, Barnes and Nobles, (www).
rs24.   Forced Exit-The slippery Slope from Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder, Wesley J. Smith, Spence Publishing Company, 2003, (www).
rs25.   "Life and death: Death is upon us. 'Us' being doctors", Matt Anderson, MDviews.wordpress.com, (www).
rs26.   "Employer health exams; relevance of Hippocratic oath"-Ethics Forum, Leonard Morse, M.D.; "Why do freshly minted doctors still recite the Hippocratic oath?", AMEDNews.com, May 1, 2000, (www).
rs27.   "The Rule of Double Effect — A Critique of Its Role in End-of-Life Decision Making", Timothy E. Quill, M.D, Et.Al., N Engl J Med 1997; 337:1768-1771December 11, 1997, (www).
rs28.   "The Rule of Double Effect"-reply to Dr. Quill Et.Al., Thomas A. Preston, M.D., N Engl J Med 1998; 338:1389-1391May 7, 1998, (www).
rs29.   "History of Research Ethics", University of Missouri-Kansas City, (www).
rs30.   "Hippocratic Oath:Classical Version", Ludwig Edelstein, 'The Hippocratic Oath: Text, Translation, and Interpretation", Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1943, (www).
rs31.   "The Declaration of Geneva", adopted by the World Medical Association 1948 (revised 1968), (www).
rs32.   "The Double Effect", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (www).
rs33.   "The Catechism of the Catholic Church", Libreria Editrice Vaticana, (www).
rs34.   "Evangelium Vitae", Pope John Paul II-encyclical, (www).
rs35.   "A Catholic Guide to Medical Ethics", Eugene Diamond, M.D., Linacre Institiute, 2001, (www)
rs36.   "Catholic Bioethics and the Gift of Human Life", William E. May, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2000(www).
rs37.   "Catholic Healthcare Ethics", Edward J. Furton, Peter Cataldo, and Albert S. Moraczewski, O.P., National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2009, (www).
rs38.   "Humanae Vitae", Pope Paul VI-encyclical, 1968, (www).
rs39.   "Life is a Blessing", Clara Lejeune-Gaymard, Ignatius Press, 2000, (www).
rs40.   "The Bible and Birth Control", Charles D. Provan, Zimmer Printing, 1989, (www-Provan).
rs41.   “Birth Control and Christian Discipleship”, Kippley, John, CCL, May, 2001, (www).
rs42.   "Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)", Drugs.com, (www).

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